
GreenComp – support for education and training systems

GreenComp can support education and training systems in shaping systemic and critical thinkers who care about our planet’s present and its future. All 12 competences of the framework are applicable to all learners, irrespective of their age and their education level and in any education settings – formal, non-formal and informal. The proposed model can complement and strengthen existing international, national, regional and local efforts to capture sustainability competences*

Its added value is that it provides:

  • a model of sustainability competence areas and competences
  • a common reference that everyone working in education and training for environmental sustainability can use, share and refer to
  • an initial list of competence components, namely knowledge, skills and attitudesiii, as examples of how to put the competences into practice
  • a common reference basis for dialogue, exchange of practices and peer learning among educators involved in lifelong learning across the EU
  • a contribution to help make the competences portable and promote mobility in the EU for a full participation in European society*

*The content used on the site comes from: Bianchi, G., Pisiotis, U., Cabrera Giraldez, M. GreenComp – Europejskie ramy kompetencji w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Bacigalupo, M., Punie, Y. (red.), EUR 30955 PL, Urząd Publikacji Unii Europejskiej, Luksemburg, 2022; ISBN 978-92-76-53198-2, doi:10.2760/182235, JRC128040