The European sustainability competence framework is the result of consensus building based on a mixed method research process
This process has led to the gradual and progressive refinement of GreenComp and, ultimately, the consolidated framework set out in this report. To achieve this, a diverse group of approximately 75 experts and stakeholders was consulted at different stages to obtain their feedback and progressively reach a consensus. The group included experts on sustainability education and lifelong learning from academia and research institutions, youth representatives, educators, policy representatives from EU Member States and NGOs. *

he framework was developed through the following steps:
Key takeaways from the first expert workshop:
Experts endorsed the initiative of building a sustainability competence framework for lifelong learning to complement existing sustainability frameworks which mainly target higher education. It was argued that this framework should Focus on specific competences for sustainability, while it should be left to other frameworks (including those already developed by the Commission) to describe cross-cutting or generic competences which may be relevant, but not exclusive, to sustainability. Regarding competence areas, experts highlighted the importance of sustainability values in relation to other competences. They highlighted the need to change vocabulary for the area focused on problem solving and finding solutions, in favour of action-based competences and the acknowledgement that ‘wicked’ sustainability problems, i.e. highly complex and ill-structured problems, cannot, strictly speaking, be solved. Furthermore, experts suggested using the word ‘sustainability’ rather than ‘environmental sustain[1]ability’ to acknowledge the multidimensionality of this concept.
Key takeaways from the second expert workshop:
Experts endorsed the framework presented in September 2021, with the possibility to adopt minor revisions suggested before its finalisation. Most experts felt that the scope of some KSA statements needed refining, while the language used in these statements needed simplifying. These statements should be all-encompassing but at the same time user-friendly and applicable to different education levels. Experts advised that competences should be refined by better aligning their descriptions to their areas. In addition, they encouraged a metaphor and narrative to be developed around the framework.
Key takeaways from the third workshop held with stakeholders:
Stakeholders broadly endorsed GreenComp in its current version as well as its accompanying metaphor. They agreed on the name GreenComp, on its phonetics and simplicity in terms of the alternatives proposed earlier. GreenComp was accepted in its current version. All stakeholders agreed that individual competence frameworks needed to be presented as part of a comprehensive vision, where learner outcomes are developed across the board. In addition, follow-up activities were discussed.*
*Treści wykorzystane na stronie pochodzą z: Bianchi, G., Pisiotis, U., Cabrera Giraldez, M. GreenComp – Europejskie ramy kompetencji w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Bacigalupo, M., Punie, Y. (red.), EUR 30955 PL, Urząd Publikacji Unii Europejskiej, Luksemburg, 2022; ISBN 978-92-76-53198-2, doi:10.2760/182235, JRC128040