Become the skill author
In this area, we direct a special offer for the employers, who have specific expectations towards employees, resulting from nature of the workplace and scope of duties. They will be able to describe the desired learning outcomes and formalize the process of its verification, based on self-parameterized criteria.
The benefits of such a solution include, first of all, the optimal adjustment of employees to the respective tasks and positions, as well as making employees and job candidates aware of their strengths and possible deficits, which they will be able to make up for, thus meeting the employer’s expectations.
Who can submit an application for the skill inclusion?
Two-stages process of inclusion skills into the MY PS system
Starts with sending the application form by the author, in which he indicates: skill name, a short description of it, learning outcomes planned to achieve, as well as the proposed criteria and methods of verification. The sent skill application form is next a subject to the internal consultation under the MY PS Foundation structure and the external consultations. The external consultations are conducted (depending on the nature of the submitted skill) with the involvement of the specialists and experts in the fields of: labor market, knowledge, education, representatives of the professional industry organizations, or other labor market entities. As a result of consultations, the skill author may be asked to make any additions or modifications in the area of the skill submitted. After final agreed and acceptance of the skill description, the author can start the second stage of work, which consist in developing the validation scenario in accordance with the previously proposed methods
Every validation center is flexible in the scope of selection the validation method of the particular skills, and the skills proposed in the description of the method should be treated as an example. When planning the validation process using other methods, you should in particular take into account the need to check each verification criterion. In case of selecting other validation method than the one indicated in the skill description, the validation center is obliged to arrange the validation scenario with the MY PS Foundation.