Elastic approach to the validation process
Selection of the optimal verification methods according to the employer’s needs, preferences of people undergoing validation or expectations as to the accuracy and adequacy of the confirmed learning outcomes
Validation of the learning outcomes conducted within the MY PS system is carried out taking into account many methods and techniques that can be used at each stage of the process, i.e. identification, documentation and verification
The selection of methods takes into account the various needs and limitations of people who take part in validation, while affecting the appropriate quality and credibility of validation
Validation methods used by the MY PS Foundation, in accordance with generally accepted standards, have been described in detail, inter alia, by the Educational Research Institute and adapted by the MY PS Foundation to the real needs of employers and learners, regardless of the time and method of learning. The approach to the validation process also takes into account the needs and preferences of adults who have already completed formal education, but still improve their skills through self-education or non-formal learning, and want to obtain objective confirmation of the results obtained.